
well so we didn't have any trouble finding the street where the repair shop was located. What a shock! I went to turn off the main street on to the side street and there was a road block. The street department was installing new sewers and we would have to pick a spring repair shop in the middle of all that con- fusion. John got out and went to the garage and a few minutes later, came back with the manager. After looking over the trailer a few minutes, they came forward to the cab and said that the trailer would have to be backed into the garage because the main entrance was blocked. The manager assumed that John was going to back it in. Jean said maybe it would be better if I backed it in and let John guide me. The street was very narrow, part of it was ripped up, piles of dirt heavy equipment and workmen all


I looked at Jean and said, "Well, should I back it in the first time, or struggle a little?"


She said, "Show them what a woman driver can

I pulled as far forward as I could, cut the wheel to the extreme left, went up a shallow drive as far as possible, stopped, swung the wheel all the way to the right, put it in reverse and proceeded to back our thirty foot trailer right smack in the ent- rance of the garage. While I was doing this, all workmen on the street and in the shop were watching me. All together, there were about thirty men watch- ing. After I had stopped, Jean looked at me and said "Not bad for a dumb broad." Needless to say, my knees were quite rubbery but I figured that the worst was over. Oh, how wrong I was!

John came to the window and said, "I can't get the hitch to come off the trailer, what do I do now?"

Nothing else to do but get out and see what I could do. When I reached the back of the truck, I